About Us

For the Love of Games

We are Ludophoria, a Cornwall-based game studio founded in 2021!

We make games for the love of them and the incredible privilege of sharing the joy of gaming with you! We believe that games can help bring people together, provide a safe space to engage with important topics, and allow us to explore vast worlds.

We also believe that making games should be a healthy job for everyone involved. We aspire to be open about our working culture and development practices and encourage others to do the same.

Meet the Team!

John-Arthur Meakin

Director | Co-founder / Producer / Designer / Animator

I make sure dev runs smoothly for the team and ensure that the intended UX is being delivered across all disciplines in sync.

I like Rock Climbing and I got a C in Maths.

Emma Escott

Director | Co-founder | Artist / Writer

I’m a 2D artist with a passion for world-building and story-telling. My additional duties include being the team’s scribe and occasionally providing excessive amounts of baked goods/dumplings/etc for moral support.

Byron Crowhurst

Director | Co-founder | Programmer / Writer

As the systems programmer, I enjoy making things that support the player and the other developers. I also help out with writing!

I like TTRPG’s and I had to retake Maths.

Nick Furniss

Co-founder | Designer

I like making Jamie do maths, and eating bread.

Jamie Covell

Co-founder | Programmer

As the lead gameplay programmer, I pretty much just code and do maths. I also spent 2 years as a professional axe thrower!

Gabe Lewis

Level Designer

I like levels and maths, and making levels with no maths.

Wren Kuah

Co-founder | Artist

I’m a 2D artist who does art for the game and other miscellaneous appearance-related duties! I probably think too much about fictional characters. Maths makes me cry, and sometimes I climb rocks!

Louise Crouch

Co-founder | Technical Artist | Not Active

I like art and maths, and making art with maths. On my days off, I like to jump in the ocean.